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4 Steps to Manifesting an Inspired Life

I just got off a private session with a client. She’s been overwhelmed and depleted, and noticed she was falling back into an old pattern that created illness. We came up with a process to keep her out of that old pattern AND access her to inspiration.

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Especially around the holidays and end of year, things can get so BUSY!

To stay out of overwhelm, and have an inspired, JUICY time with all of this, I invite you to practice a new way of being.

This will release the old filters that deplete your energy, and access you to SOURCE for inspiration and vitality!

There is nothing you “have to do!” but it’s easy to fall into the “I have to” trap during times like this. 

How can we create something new when things are overwhelming, and create life from a place of serenity and joy??

Here are the 4 steps:

  • Release victim mentality
  • Tap into Source and connect to your inspiration
  • Choose your choice, release doubt
  • Play on the Possibility Channel, not the “I-don’t-have-it” channel

I would love to assist you in integrating this new way of being!

Over the next few months we’ll be playing with this more deeply in the MindBody LIVE Membership.


I would love to see you there!


P.S. Let me know how it goes with this exercise!

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1 Comment

  1. Dear Dr KIM, your principles are so clear and your love for what you are doing – re-creating people – and your for life are absolutely contagious! – Have the most wonderful and miraculous Holiday Season and a blessed New Year. – With fond greetings to you your former student, Karin Elisabeth


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