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How to Move Through GRIEF and Let Things Fall Away

A friend recently reminded me that fall is the season for clearing of the “lungs” which symbolizes grief moving through the body. 

Here is what I did to surrender to grief and how it has already created SO much more bliss…

There are few experiences we resist more or make more “wrong” than grief!

Even when people die, it’s seen as a wrongness.

It’s hard to feel the energy of loss or to let it move through BUT it is what makes space for MORE to come into our lives.

When we’re willing to MEET the deeper energies within us, rather than medicate them, we find unthinkable resilience and strength.

This is not the strength that comes from “fight” where we think there’s lots we have to defend.

It’s the strength that is our true nature and comes effortlessly as we surrender to what’s within us.

The doorway of GRIEF is a powerful one to walk through to connect with that inner power!

If you’ve been trying to “feel better” or “improve” your situation without fully surrendering to what your experience is bringing you, you know what I mean! 

I invite you to go deeper. 

Release resistance, FEEL ALL THAT ARISES, and let the experience wash over you.

USE YOUR BREATH to find resilience, and bring in Light. 

You are far bigger than you have imagined.



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  1. They say that there is no such thing as a coincidence but, Kim, your messages always seem to be so well timed and pertinent to what I am going through. Thank you for this.

    • When you are open to receive, the universe responds with exactly what you need!!!


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