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How your Emotions affect your health

Do you know that your emotions can actually make you sick.

Every emotional state is a chemical state. Those hormones and neurochemicals powerfully affect every cell in your body.

Your nervous system, immune system, and even your digestive system are all immediately affected by the emotional state you’re in.

When you’re angry, anxious, or overwhelmed, you can’t digest your food. Your body gets signals that prevent you from secreting enzymes, breaking food down, and absorbing nutrients.

That means no matter how much you spend on organic foods or expensive supplements, you won’t fully absorb them if you allow old anger or fear to be part of your life.

So what to do?

I’ve learned a powerful tool called EFT Meridian tapping that allows you to release old emotional states that can make you sick.

If you’ve suffered from chronic pain, autoimmune disease, chronic anxiety or depression, I can pretty much guarantee you that there are old emotions holding this pattern in place.

(Yes, even if you’ve been diagnosed with a clinical illness, food allergies or a genetic predisposition.)

For now, start by connecting in your body, slowing your breathing, and just feeling and experiencing your emotions fully. Breathe them out.

Stop fighting and repressing these energies and just feel them.

When you do, I promise, they won’t kill you. (When you hold them in they can!)

I’ve seen so many amazing things happen when I did this with my patients or clients online.

One woman freed herself from autoimmune illness and got off all of her thyroid and anxiety medications.

Pretty amazing stuff.

Stay tuned for more!



  1. Dr. Kim, I find that during the day because I am at work and around people I do much better with my anxiety/depression. At home because our last child moved out to go to college and my husband works shift work I am alone some nights and mornings. This is when I am affected the most. I wake up and feel sad that I am alone. Even though right now I have one daughter and my grandson living next door, and my daughter who is in college comes very often because she doesn’t live far away, I still have these bouts of depression. I have been tapping and would love to get off the Viibryd and Lorezapam for good. I’ve been on them for 8 weeks now. Thank you Dr. Kim

    • I would love to support you. We could work together privately. I will include is a link to get on my schedule. We will get to the root of what’s really causing this AND create a plan to resolve all of this so that you live in freedom and wellbeing.

      Here is the link:

      Let me know if you have any questions!
      -Dr. Kim

  2. I have chronic muscle pain in my pelvic floor, inner vaginal muscle. It was stopped my life as the pain is overwhelming. Do you think that your program can help chronic pain?????


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