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How to Stay Fluid Through a Global Transition

The global pandemic we are in right now is changing our lives profoundly. For the past weeks, we began to see how vulnerable we are, how much we need connection with each other, and how much fear can hijack us. We may have also begun to look at what really matters in our lives.

In this video, Dr. Kim shares what you can do to move through this transition fluidly in the most harmonious ways. You are given an even clearer invitation at this moment. What is in you that is ready to resolve from fear to love?

Go slow. Instead of projecting into the future, live in the NOW. There is always more for you when you are more willing to be present.

Life will always reflect where you reside. It will always reflect the frequency and consciousness you are in. If you are in fear, it’s going to keep getting worse until you awaken to love.

This can be a beautiful transition for you. Come away from the consciousness of fear and move into the consciousness of love. You are integrating to whatever degree – more serenity, abundance, joy, and fluidity.

After watching this video, here’s my question for you:

  1. What has this transition experience been like for you?
  2. What are the ways you can connect with yourself and others more fully, to share what’s really happening in you instead of protect against it?
  3. What are the ways you could receive this as a blessing?

Let me know in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you!


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    1 Comment

    1. Thank you, Kim. I deeply appreciated your message and had a number of ‘OMG! Of course!’ moments throughout your talk. When you said the body knows how to do this, I felt a sense of relief. And when you discussed how being present doesn’t mean escaping fear, it means saying yes to the fear and then transmuting it, I felt the truth of this. Thanks from Australia x I feel much calmer.


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