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How to move through DESPAIR

I recently had a very challenging experience. I was triggered by something someone said and surprised by how much this brought up. I became very upset and overwhelmed and didn’t have space to let it all go right away.

This was connected to another difficult thing that happened.

Through all of it, there were many insights and awakenings, so I wanted to share this with you.

There were 3 main keys I learned through this process. (See the vid!)

One is that triggers can be our greatest blessing for releasing unconscious blocks.

Another is how even 2% opening to Grace can make enough space for things to change immediately.

Many of us are going through very challenging times right now. A LOT comes up, and it can be very painful, but that is all energy that’s ready to RELEASE. It’s an opportunity to let a lot of energy move through. There is a lot we’re releasing as we awaken, so the unconscious energies we’ve carried have to go!

This will happen through the challenges and triggers life brings us. It’s okay to embrace them rather than try to avoid them or get rid of them.

I know that during my challenging experience, I just wanted to feel better! I felt like I was jumping out of my skin, and couldn’t stand it!

But Life invited me to STRETCH and open. I could go through it, even though I didn’t want to.

Ultimately, my choice is to awaken fully as a Divine and loving being. That is the most important thing for me. So when big things come up, or I’m really triggered by something that happens, I know that this is part of the process and I EMBRACE it as best I can.

I shared more in the video what the process was like and some major KEYS I used to move through it instead of buying into the hopelessness or despair.

This was huge!!! and it’s opened up so much more Light in my life.

Blessings on your journey! It’s a big year, especially for those of us who are empathic or “highly sensitive.” It’s a gift and we are the ones who need to awaken to receive it fully.

Let me know if this resonates for you.

Our challenges may look different, but the energies of despair, lack, inadequacy, shame, and fear that are moving beyond are the same.



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  1. It is amazing that you share such personal stories with all of us. It helps so much with my struggles, to know that you too are human!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing. So sorry you went through that pain but so in awe of how you managed it. Disappointment is absolutely dreadful, especially when a carrot has been dangled in front of you. My go to reaction is always to feel the whole universe is laughing at me, saying, “you didn’t think you could have that, did you?” What would I do without you, Dr Kim. I’m learning so much <3

  3. I am in awe of the courage it took for you to share this experience–and I am so grateful that your commitment to help us move through life allowed you to use this part of your path to teach us how much is possible, even when we are caught in intense emotions. You are truly a blessing.

  4. Thank you Kim , so sincere and
    powerful for me to hear as I
    was triggered today and appreciate the being in the unknown and allowing what arises. I wish you always Love,
    Healing and Light

  5. Wow Dr. Kim. You are always so open with your life. ❤ That’s what makes you so trustworthy. I am so sorry for your loss, but feel the way you went through it will help so many. You are super brave! Love you. Heather

  6. First of all, sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I am the mother to 1 wonderful 5 1/2 year old son, I’m 46, and resigned to the fact he will be an only child. I still have regret about this that I’m working on. My husband feels no regret and is happy with our family as is. A friend of mine with 3 kids was over for a playdate and said to her oldest who was bored, ‘what if you were the only kid and had NO one to play with?’ I didn’t say anything at the time but it definitely brought up my feelings of regret and sadness about him having no siblings. I think about fostering, adopting, or having a Fresh Air kid, but knowing I won’t bear another child of my own still gives me some regret. So as I am crying as I write this I thank you for the video and its message.
    Much love to you.

  7. I didn’t experience this video in June, but rather, opened it in August when I was seeking some counsel on the emotion of despair. Blessing to you and your beautiful family- my heartfelt condolences on your miscarriage.❤️

    So incredibly grateful to have aligned with you, Kim🙏🏻! Your connection to such inspirational energy is contagious! The lesson to crack to just 2% opening is huge! Thank you! As I do this, I really feel the light penetrating my whole being. 🌞

    As to addressing despair: My husband & I am working through some very heavy emotions around his sister who is very ill. She believes she has hidden her illness through her own denial, but the physical manifestation of her pain is like at lion is roaring for attention! Wow- what does that all bring up in me? How can I respect her boundaries while sending light through the cracks in her armour? The lesson I feel is that if I nurture and feed the light within me, it can shine upon anyone who opens to receive it. And I can be okay with where others are living in their own journey. If I offer love and give others space, they get to choose how much they are ready to open.

    What a helpful lesson in awareness! Thank you.🦁

  8. Thank you! This was so helpful as I am currently moving through despair, terror, helplessness, and powerlessness.

  9. Thank you! This video was very helpful for moving through these darker emotions.


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