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How to Follow Your Heart for Guidance in Health, Work, and Love

Your life will reflect whatever consciousness you are in. You have access to let your life and health reflect the highest truth in your heart!

In this video, Dr. Kim talks about following your heart for guidance in health, work, and love.

Scientifically, there are sensory neurons around the area of your heart that pick up information and awareness. Your heart is your truth. It is your highest expression that comes from a space beyond the mind. 

To connect with your inner wisdom, ask yourself, “Is this true for me? What else is possible?” Touch your heart, breathe, and slow down. It’s a guarantee that something else will come in. You may not consciously register it at first and that’s fine. Just practice. Sensing what the awareness is from your heart is more about witnessing and less about grasping. 

You are a giant receptor, a transmitter, and a transmuter of energy. Connect with yourself. Tune into your heart every moment. You are the world expert on what is best for you.

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CIVANA resort in September for the Alive Woman Retreat: DrKimd.com/Alive




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  1. Dr. Kim thank you so much for this presentation. I had saved it and finally listened to it today. I think I was crying from beginning to end as this was exactly what I needed to hear today. I was reminded that my body has been screaming at me with arthritis pain and I have not been stopping and listening with my heart. I have been coping with this coronavirus situation fairly well but this week seems to be a tough one emotionally. There’s tension in me there’s tension between me and my husband and my family members. I am so thankful I listened to this today. And I may need to listen to it repeatedly for a while. I will work on my breath and listening to my heart. Thank you again. Michele Zuidema

  2. Thank you for this video! I have been looking for a way to get clearer guidance, mainly about my career. It’s really interesting how this fits in with what I have been experiencing in another program, which is connection with a higher realm…a frequency of total peace, joy and love. I am going to try this very soon!


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