How NOT to Think Positively
There’s a great question that comes up a lot in my work and it pertains to the subtle difference between thinking positively versus allowing our thoughts to be as they are.
When we notice negative thoughts and try to shift to a more positive mindset, this creates work. We don’t need to control our thoughts! The easiest way to release the “negative” mindset is to “neutralize” it by just allowing ourselves to notice what we notice.
This alone activates our brain’s ability to change!
Whether we think we need to state our intentions or visualize our desired outcome, controlling our thoughts is not necessary.
The harmonious brain patterns we’re trying to create can be gained so much more easily through conscious breathing, relaxing the body, and allowing things to be as they are.
When we move away from any sort of positive/negative duality and ease into the openness of acceptance of “what is”, fluid, positive thoughts come naturally.
There isn’t a need to practice visualization or positive thinking or even the pivoting exercise I share in my book, IF we’re making it be more work that needs to be done. When we’re in the serenity of allowing, it’s a more fluid state. We don’t need to make it difficult work for ourselves….we can just allow. Let it all be as it is.
Yes, pivoting can be very useful! when we’re ruminating over something we don’t want, we can pivot to focus on the positive aspect, or what we DO want. Pivots can make a MAJOR difference. All it takes a switch ~ that’s the idea of pivoting. You notice what you notice and allow something more fluid to come in.
For example, instead of thinking, “I hope I don’t lose all my money”, you could move, instead, to a thought like, “I hope that was a great investment and the outcome is fabulous!”
There isn’t a need to try to think “positively.” When we RELAX into the serenity of allowing, it’s automatically more fluid!
This activates the neuroplasticity in your brain and creates new pattern. There can be more flow which brings you into a higher frequency state. Being in a state of higher perspective opens you to so much more!
Pivoting can be as simple as letting yourself relax and remember you don’t have to have to have it all together or try so hard to move forward.
Move into allowing, and let the thoughts go. There are no “positive” or “negative” thoughts; it’s a matter of being in Neutrality with all that is. This opening automatically provides a greater state of ease, and that alone is what allows the harmony that lets the brain repattern.
Dr. Kim
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How NOT to Think Positively
1 Comment
Cindy on May 10, 2018 at 5:45 pm
This is excellent !!! such a great way to see the “negative”…….. just allow it…… giving it less power………less work……….i love this !!! thank-you so much…….. it’s a much easier way to change and progress without any judgement on self.
This is excellent !!! such a great way to see the “negative”…….. just allow it…… giving it less power………less work……….i love this !!! thank-you so much…….. it’s a much easier way to change and progress without any judgement on self.