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Hopelessness: The Doorway to Awakening

Life is meaningless….and it’s meaningless that it’s meaningless. One of the greatest points of true power happens when we release trying to be positive, trying to be better, trying to heal, and we truly let go. This often comes with a sense of a lost purpose as the ego dissolves along with it’s agenda for self-improvement. It also often happens just as we’re breaking through to our deepest power! How do we find our way when this brings so much disillusionment and a dark night of the soul?
In this episode of MindBody TV I share why embracing hopelessness is a major key to true power and how to find the light within that space of so much darkness.

P.S. the MindBody Solution Bundle offer is coming next week!


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  1. October 12,2023

    Dr. Kim and Friends,

    Once again we are so grateful for the valuable tools in dealing with fear, sorrow and the instability in our personal lives as well as the world situation. One of the tools is the importance of stillness. Stillness seems to be a great help in dealing with fear and hopelessness. ” As FDR once said, ” The only thing we have to fear is fear it self.” It does not take a empath to sense what is a happening in our world right now and where this could go in the weeks and months ahead?

    ” Be still and know…” is what the good book says. To let the stillness of our bodies open our heart(feelings) to healing and peace. And do we need that peace and rest more then ever as we move into the future.

    In peace,

    Bill and Carol

  2. Hopelessness sums it up good to many pod casts telling me to eat this way think this way say it this way and you will heal yourself my head is spinning omg f—- it oh and all of the thousands of dollars it costs to do it



  1. Hopelessness: The Doorway to Awakening? - ayurvedayogi.online - […] Hopelessness: The Doorway to Awakening? […]
  2. Hopelessness: The Doorway to Awakening? - Health World Life - […] Hopelessness: The Doorway to Awakening? […]

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