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Happy Thanksgiving in the USA! Gratitude is not just a feeling. It’s a FREQUENCY you can access anytime, anywhere. Gratitude is not just for when good things happen; it’s a HEALING vibe that will assist you through your darkest times and literally create miracles when you know how to use it.

Join me for this week’s episode of MindBody TV where I’ll share 3 practices I use daily to open to the healing power of gratitude when you need it most!

Resources I shared in this episode:

Gratitude Launchpad: https://www.alivepartner.com/gl28

MindBody Toolkit and Be Your Own Healer: https://drkimd.com/books/

My Healing Journey Update: https://www.youtube.com/live/WFxxN-gURKo?si=KAJeBo3j9yiDR5Kq


Check out my current programs below!!!

NEW INSTANT ELEVATION PROGRAM: https://drkimd.com/iep/

MINDBODY AWAKENING WORKSHOP: https://drkimd.com/mindbody-awakening/

FREE RESOURCES: https://drkimd.com/resources/https://www.youtube.com/embed/Kibr8wqq5DA

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