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Energy Update 2020

With each year comes new possibilities and higher understandings. When we open to receive this, life is lighter and more free. When we hold onto old belief systems, we become depleted, and lack the vitality and abundance that’s available to us.

If you’re ready for an upgrade in your energetic system, to function in a higher reality of love, peace and unity, tune in for this week’s episode of MindBody TV and launch forward into the next decade!




With each year comes new possibilities and higher understanding. With each year that comes in, it has its energy of what’s possible as move more into unity consciousness and out of victim consciousness.

In this video, Dr. Kim talks about unity consciousness and how it affects your cells, your energy level, and your overall health.

Your cells are on autopilot for the programs you are playing out in your life – whether you have health, wealth, vitality, love, joy, or whether you are playing out old patterns of lack, limitation, judgment, and fear.

In 2020 and beyond, go out from being in the victim game and enter the creator game. “Victim Consciousness” is thinking you need to fight hard and do right. “Creator Consciousness,” on the other hand, is knowing that everything is a reflection of you, and as you honor yourself, The Universe honors you!

The most powerful way to integrate this is by embracing where you are and getting out of the “trying to fix it” attitude. Just breathe. If you notice sabotage or judgment, love yourself. Celebrate yourself. The only thing that could ever be lacking is more of you showing up in your life.


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