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Stop Searching and EMBRACE Your Health

If you’ve been on a hunt for health, vitality, and wellbeing only to find your life revolves around your “healing journey” it’s time to surrender that approach…for good! Your cells are fed more from the inside out than from the outside in. That means the “right” diet, supplements, protocols, medications, or surgery will never match the power for healing you have inside you. It also means you can’t work for it or “attain” this. You already ARE whole.

If that sounds inviting, join me for this week’s MindBody TV where I’ll share how to open to the infinite possibilities for healing within you. If you’ve struggled with pain, fatigue, illness, or anxiety/depression this is an essential shift in your approach!

I will be sharing about my “Embracing Health” program, answering questions about what’s possible for you, and introducing you to a new dimension of health and healing that will be the future of medicine.




In this video, Dr. Kim talks about ending the search for health and abundance and embracing what is already in you.

If you feel like your life revolves around the healing journey – where you are finding a solution but there are a lot of limitations and it creates a smaller life for you instead of a richer one – then it’s time to open up. There is a process that allows you to receive way more.

What is that process? Dr. Kim shares the analogy of a great bottle of wine. When you drink wine and learn to appreciate it, there will be subtle flavors and textures in the wine that you begin to appreciate. If you tune in to that, you’ll have an amazing experience. But if you don’t, then you won’t appreciate the wine at all. It’s not a matter of the wine not showing up, it’s a matter of what you are tuning into.

Full surrender is the key. It’s not about escape or avoidance. Your body is on your side. It’s not the enemy. When you open up to full surrender, you allow yourself to experience more of life. At first, it might be painful. But it will dissipate as soon as you stop putting so much suppressive energy into it.

What you resist persist. Be willing to receive. If you have a headache, stop trying to make it better. Let yourself experience it. Feel it. Let it come in instead of trying to push it out. I told myself, “What is this? Let me feel it. Let’s turn up the volume.” And for ten seconds of surrendering to it, I felt a softness. The energy dissipates. I had no more headache. It was extraordinary, but that’s how our body works.

Are you in resistance or in embracing? Are you embracing what is exactly as it is? Or are you still highly vested? When we release the resistance, we are more whole. We allow and experience expansion.

The yoga of self-healing is a practice. It’s not a magic moment and then you never have to do it again. It’s a practice you begin to integrate. But the mind can’t understand it, only the heart can. The only way we can move into something higher is through the heart.

A lot of technologies from research institutions that show when we physically connect to the space of the heart. You light up different receptivity. At first, you may think that you’re not feeling anything, but know that it’s a practice. We’ve shut it down for so long and now you want to turn it back up.

Take a few deep breaths. Close your eyes and relax your shoulders. All the tension in the neck and shoulders is one of the things that keeps us in the mind. Relax your neck and shoulders. Move it around. Sense the sensations. Massage the area. Let yourself let some energy go. Your body knows how to let it go, but it gets the signals from you. Slow your breathing down. Deepen it a little bit. By doing this practice, you will feel your heart a lot more.

If you keep on seeking and trying harder, you will always be a step behind total fulfillment. There is nothing out there that has anything for you, including physical health. The only way you can access more joy, love, and abundance, is by cultivating it from where you are right now.

Go from duality and expand to neutrality. Love and appreciate yourself fully. Be there instead of resisting and trying to be somewhere else. It’s a subtle shift, but it creates and opens up everything.

So take a moment and let the integration happen. The limitation is not the wine. The wine is showing up fully. Are you showing up in receptivity?


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  1. “Accommodate this illness”…I couldn’t have said it better. Every time I think I want to do something fun or different, guess what? I think to myself, “I have Lyme Disease, I have to accommodate my disabilities.” And it doesn’t matter how well i am feeling that particular day…I always put Lyme first. And then I lost my dad just a bit ago and that has exacerbated everything. I have the sole care of my mom and I fight that every single day…I am not caregiver material. But i am where i am. And i fight, fight, fight every day to win this battle and I am losing it terribly. What you say makes so much sense. What we resist persists. What we focus on every day is what we experience. I get that. But implementing it is so difficult. I have no idea how to do this with everything that I deal with on a daily basis. I am at the end of my rope.

  2. I fully believe in EFT and I sincerely wish I could find a way to cure my IBS

    • You can absolutely heal from IBS. Your body has the ability to heal from any illness. Have you used any of Dr. Kim’s tools? She has so many great resources.


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