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EFT Tapping to Heal Difficult Relationships

We all have that one relationship that really gets our goat. A person or a trigger we’re carrying around that comes up again and again, even after many years. It not only affects everything in your life, it directly impacts your body and your health! Are you ready to drop that unwanted emotional baggage and have fulfilling loving relationships now?

In this episode of MindBody TV we’ll use EFT Meridian Tapping to dig up what you’ve been carrying that’s ready to go! We’ll do a powerful MindBody exercise to bring healing at the core of this mental/emotional trigger so that, you are free to move forward. Join me for this special Valentine’s Day tribute and your life will never be the same!!

Registration for the 16th annual Tapping Summit is NOW LIVE. This is arguably the most transformational free online event that exists. Attendees don’t just leave with ideas or theories on how to make their life better, they leave actually feeling better. They leave with less stress, anxiety, overwhelm, anger, sadness, and other negative emotions.


eft tapping summit

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1 Comment

  1. I adore my 5 1/2 year old grand-son who lives with my husband and our daughter, his mom. He has challenges like PTSD, hyper sensitivity and maybe ADHD. So he is very difficult and we try to live a new day everyday.
    How can I not be so affected by his screaming and not cooperation. Beside that he is very smart, can read and starts to write and very loving.
    I feel exhausted, stressed and when I think that I am doing better, boom another tantrum. And I worried about his future. He is also mean with his brother, mom, me. I want to heal myself to be more present to him.

    the level is probably 7


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