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EFT Sleep Tapping Audio

I’ve created an audio to assist you with sleep.

In the audio I’ll guide you through an EFT Tapping sequence to do before going to sleep. This will assist you with deepening and enhancing the quality of your sleep so you wake up rested and restored.

I had one client tell me after using this:

“Thank you! After years of insomnia, I slept through the night! I love this meditation!”

—HERE is the link to receive your free download.—

If you’ve experienced pain, anxiety, fatigue, or an illness, quality sleep is essential in allowing your body to restore energy and release illness and pain.

Miracles can happen when you sleep fully and deeply. It helps you release tension in the body and open to the body’s ability to heal!

Let me know how you like it!

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  1. I clicked on the link for the sleep tapping download but it says that it nolonger exists. Can I find it in another place? I had it on my old phone but it didn’t transfer across.

    • Hi Terry, can you send this to support with the link you used so I can check on it. Thank you. Support@drkimd.com


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