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EFT Meridian Tapping

EFT Meridian Tapping has been shown to end illness, energize your body and change your brain for good! I’ve used this for years for myself personally and in my medical practice to assist those with chronic anxiety/pain/fatigue and all kinds of other illnesses to allow miraculous change when conventional medicine had little to offer.

Tune in to this week’s episode of MindBody TV for some EFT Tapping sessions where I’ll guide you through releasing old energies, known and unknown, that are at the core of what’s holding you back from healing and living abundantly now!

XO and blessings on your journey!



EFT Meridian Tapping has been shown to reverse illness, energize your body and change your brain for good! It allows miraculous change even when conventional medicine has little to offer.

In this video, Dr. Kim shares and demonstrates EFT Tapping for healing. She guides you through releasing old energies that are at the core of what’s holding you back from healing and living in abundance.

Often, unresolved emotions keep illness patterns in place. They have a physical impact on the body . When you make space for these energies to move, so much can happen in your system. Entering stillness and releasing resistance creates harmony in the body. It must start within you first. Life will reflect the stillness or chaos going on within you. Chaos is an indication that more stillness is needed! Slow down. EFT is a powerful way to release resistance and center into stillness.


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