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Most of us are not taught to be present in our OWN bodies, much less being present for others.

We don’t realize the power our presence and deep listening has for not only our own healing, but also for the healing of others.

When you listen and feel into the body and all the emotions that arise within you as you connect with another person, this is the most powerful thing you can do for someone.

Pay attention to what you feel in your body as you listen this other person speak. This will bring your awareness into your body and take you out of your mind and “trying to listen.” You don’t need to offer advice or insight.

The next time you are in a conversation with someone ask yourself this question:

What I feel in my body as you are speaking is…?

…and just share what you experience. If you aren’t comfortable sharing this with the other person, just share it with yourself so YOU are aware of what’s happening. This will bring about a very different and deeper communication with others.

-Dr. Kim

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  1. Hi Dr. Kim, your info is incredibly interesting. So I think I understand about listening with your body. Listening to how your body reacts. But then what? What if it doesn’t react in a positive way? Is the purpose of this exercise to know how to handle the conversation better? What’s the girl here?
    Thanks so much,
    Galit Rutstein

    • Hi Galit. It isn’t about reacting positive or negative. It is about bringing awareness into your body and feeling WHATEVER arises so that energy can move.


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