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Creative Manifestation: Activate the Master in You

Are we really at the cause of what’s showing up in our lives? How do we cultivate power when it really does seem like we need to fight to get what we need?

Watch this week’s episode of MindBody TV where I’ll share what I’ve found to be the most powerful determinants of manifestation and how you can align within for health and prosperity to come easily now!

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1 Comment

  1. June 22,2023

    Hi Kim, Staff and All,

    My wife and I want to thank you again for the valuable tools. One of the tools which has been so helpful is the choosing of stillness. I find that as I Lie on my bed and gently force my body to be still and relax all these feelings of pain,sorrow, anxiety and fear comes to the surface from my heart and body. To be felt and processed. It seems to reduce my pack pain over 80 percent or more. Constipation is reduced and all the other old age miseries has gone down as well.

    For one thing I will be honest I hate old age! It sucks!!! Being well over 70 it is a miner miracle that we are moving forward despite the terrible circumstances we have had to endure over the years. Loss of our home in the 1991 Oakland Hills fire. California. Earthquake trauma and other things we could mention. The worse being the loss of our only son.

    So it has as you would say taken great courage and faith(Opening of the Heart’s Feelings) to get up and keep moving forward from the inside out despite the head winds of life. Especially in these crazy times of unrest, war, climate change and other events happening now.

    Anyway it is one hour, one day at a time.

    Living in the Eternal Now!

    Thank you.

    Heart warmth feelings,


    Bill and Carol oh. usa


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