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“Those who are certain of the outcome can afford to wait and wait without anxiety.” -A Course in Miracles

Trying to make things happen out of FEAR can actually block us from receiving what it is we are working toward. Often, we get attached to what we think it’s supposed to look like, thinking: “If my business or money or relationship looks a certain way, THEN I’ll be happier.”

The certainty comes from our heart’s inner knowing of what already IS. Ask yourself, “What is it that I already know I’m here to BE?” Let go of any attachments created in the mind and it becomes an effortless allowing. When you connect from that space of certainty, you already know who you really are. Where do you FEEL it? Connect THERE for the certainty now!

Share with me what YOU have been waiting for and what you are ready to receive by just allowing?



  1. I love watching you Dr. Kim, I learn so much. I just turned sixty and feel I missed my life’s purpose. I wanted to be in fitness education when i graduated high school but life and my choices altered my course, so here I am feeling unfulfilled but I know it is never too late. Thank you.

  2. I love the phrase “effortless allowing”. It’s challenging to destinquish passivity from “non trying”. How do we learn guidance from that inner knowing from guidance from our egoic mind? What is that experience of “inner knowing?”

  3. Waiting for it all, business, abundance, apartment, partner. freedom. Got it covered now.


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