Aug 31, 2018 | Communication, Depression, Dr. Kim D'Eramo Blog, Emotions, Health, Love and Happiness, Mindset, Productivity, Relationships, Tapping
What would have to be different for that to be higher? There is nothing more toxic to your body than your own judgment. What if you could release judgment and embrace unconditional love for your body as it is? In this episode, we’ll explore why self-love is the most powerful medicine AND how to love your body now, no matter what’s going on!
Jul 31, 2018 | Communication, Depression, Dr. Kim D'Eramo Blog, Emotions, Health, Love and Happiness, Mindset, Relationships, Tapping
I am frequently asked about how it can be that our body physically changes just by accepting and embracing our reality. Because we tend to think of the physical aspect of ourselves as separate from our mental or emotional selves, this can be perplexing. We are, after all, taught that we must “make it happen” and work hard to create physical change
Jul 11, 2018 | Dr. Kim D'Eramo Blog, Emotions, Love and Happiness, Mindset
Life has its ups and downs and they tend to go in the direction YOU do. When a day starts off “bad” and you try to make it better, it’s bound to get worse. Here’s what you can do to assure your bad days DO get better!
Apr 17, 2018 | Depression, Dr. Kim D'Eramo Blog, Love and Happiness
In my Embracing Health program, an amazing question came up this week: How can I embrace the darkest parts of myself without spiraling into depression? It’s a powerful question with a simple answer.
Apr 10, 2018 | Dr. Kim D'Eramo Blog, Love and Happiness, Mindset
Many of us are walking around disconnected from the wisdom and guidance that is in our body. This can make us feel lost and anxious in our lives. We don’t know what to do so it seems there is no way out. We think things are impossible, but that’s just because we can’t SEE the possibilities that exist.
Apr 2, 2018 | Dr. Kim D'Eramo Blog, Health, Love and Happiness, Mindset
I had a great question in the MindBody Community the other day where a participant was confused about what it means to “embrace what is.” How can I just sit by and do nothing when I’m so sick and things are far from okay?! We often think embracing means just sitting by and letting things be as they are without taking action.