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How positive is your body image on a scale of 1-10?

How positive is your body image on a scale of 1-10?

What would have to be different for that to be higher? There is nothing more toxic to your body than your own judgment. What if you could release judgment and embrace unconditional love for your body as it is? In this episode, we’ll explore why self-love is the most powerful medicine AND how to love your body now, no matter what’s going on!

How Acceptance Creates Physical Change

How Acceptance Creates Physical Change

I am frequently asked about how it can be that our body physically changes just by accepting and embracing our reality. Because we tend to think of the physical aspect of ourselves as separate from our mental or emotional selves, this can be perplexing. We are, after all, taught that we must “make it happen” and work hard to create physical change

How to End Self-Sabotage

How to End Self-Sabotage

We all struggle at times with sabotaging ourselves, doing things even though we know they’re not good for us. Whether it’s binging on a decadent chocolate cake or spending a whole weekend in front of the TV, we feel the shame and wrongness of it because we judge ourselves as wrong…