How To Be The Invitation For Your “YES”
How To Be The Invitation For Your “YES” I was recently interviewed by Tracey Osborne, Founder of Daring Woman, about how to move through anxiety and depression. If you are ready to be more fully alive on every level: relationship, health, wealth,...
Tapping Summit 2019
Tapping Summit 2019 This is one of my FAVORITE events of the year! When I first listened to Nick Ortner’s Tapping World Summit, many years back, it changed my life! I began telling everyone I knew about tapping! I used it for myself, for my patients, and I even held...
Upcoming Course for Women
Upcoming Course for Women There is so much negative programming we’ve had around our bodies. This creates suppression physically and also blocks us from receiving the messages from our own inner wisdom. Not only does this contribute to disease and illness of all...