Mar 22, 2018 | Dr. Kim D'Eramo Blog, Health, Love and Happiness
This week, we had a group call where I answered questions about my Embracing Health program. The biggest take-home is, when we are willing to BE WITH all that is, we move out of resistance and receive so much more. It’s not easy, it’s not always pretty, but it IS the only way to truly LIVE!
Mar 13, 2018 | Dr. Kim D'Eramo Blog, Health, Love and Happiness, Mindset
There were some great questions from last week’s Facebook LIVE video and I wanted to be sure to answer these to Bring you deeper into the experience of SURRENDER. This is the most powerful way to RECEIVE health instead of trying to create it.
Mar 6, 2018 | Dr. Kim D'Eramo Blog, Health, Mindset
One of my mentors, Byron Katie, had suffered terrible anxiety and depression for years, before an experience of deep surrender that changed her life. Since then, she experiences “no suffering” but instead feels deep love and compassion for everything that arises.
Feb 27, 2018 | Dr. Kim D'Eramo Blog, Tapping
One of the BIGGEST things I see keeping people stuck in lack and limitation… -not enough HEALTH, -not enough ENERGY, -not enough TIME, -not enough MONEY, -not enough LOVE… Is the underlying idea “I’m not enough.” It comes in many forms…
Feb 20, 2018 | Dr. Kim D'Eramo Blog, Mindset
The magnetic power of your HEART is 5,000 times more impactful than that of your brain, yet most of us spend our time using our brain to solve our problems.