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Why You Have to go DOWN to Come UP

Why You Have to go DOWN to Come UP

We all want to feel GOOD, and sometimes, the idea of “being positive” can lead us astray. Often, to release the shackles of grief, despair or any emotions we’ve stuffed, we must go DOWN into these places in order to be free.

How to Change Your Body By Changing Your Genes

How to Change Your Body By Changing Your Genes

Previous medical understanding stated that your genes determine your health, your body shape, and even what diseases you get. We now know, however, that you CAN shift your genetic expression by changing your relationship with your body. Learn how this woman did just that and how her body transformed!

How to Resolve Family Patterns

How to Resolve Family Patterns

Have you been carrying your parent’s energy? Do you get triggered by your family or notice yourself being your mother/father even though you swore you would never be that? In last week’s MindBody TV episode, I shared how we can become aware of the family patterns we’re carrying that are blocking health and wealth…

How NOT to Think Positively

How NOT to Think Positively

There’s a great question that comes up a lot in my work and it pertains to the subtle difference between thinking positively versus allowing our thoughts to be as they are. When we notice negative thoughts and try to shift to a more positive mindset, this can create work. We don’t need to control our thoughts!