Are you waiting to be happy?
Is 2016 everything you’ve hoped it would be?
If you’re groaning that it’s “just another year” or feeling certain that nothing will change:
- you’ve still got the same pains, ails and woes…
- you feel beaten down by an illness and have already tried everything…
- there’s never enough money, time or energy and you feel defeated…
- you’re already overwhelmed, and the year has barely just begun…
- you’re experiencing a challenge and there seems no way out…
You need to start by asking yourself:
“Who am I ready to BE this year?”
So often we think about what we want to HAVE, or think we need certain things to happen first before we can be happy and fulfilled.
I hear it all the time:
“When I lose the weight, I’ll be happy and enjoy my body.”
“If I could just get out of pain and get my energy back, I would be so happy.”
“When I make enough money, then I’ll enjoy my life.”
However, the very problems they’re trying so hard to resolve are being kept in place by their own resistance!
We think we feel the way we feel because of the circumstances of our life, and that when those circumstances change, we will feel different.
What actually happens is even if you do get a change, you just find more reasons to keep feeling bad. If you don’t change what’s going on inside, you’ll just create new problems.
I had one client with severe unrelenting pain in his shoulder for over a year. He went to doctors, healers, physical therapists, acupuncture, and did EFT Meridian Tapping, all in an effort to get out of pain.
Nothing changed.
He couldn’t sleep at night and finally called me.
We did a private session, and in minutes, his pain went from a 9/10 to a 3/10.
About a week later, we made a tweak in his EFT Meridian Tapping and instead of tapping to get rid of the pain, we had him tap to LOVE his shoulder and love his pain!
He was pain-free in minutes.
It seems counter-intuitive that we could possibly love our pain, or love life when things don’t go our way.
I know for years I struggled with illness and fatigue, doctors told me I would need medications to get better. It seemed like if I could just get over this, things would be great and I’d be so happy…however, it was my own resistance that kept this illness in place!
It’s always been the case. When I’ve struggled in my relationship (and it seemed “if only this other person would change, I would feel better…”) it was really something within me that needed to shift.
When I struggled in my career and felt overworked and overwhelmed, I needed to change before my circumstance would open up into something different.
The same is true with everything.
So begin with WHO you need to be in order to have what you really want.
Do you need to be more loving, patient, open?
Do you need to be kinder to yourself?
Do you need to speak less and listen more? Slow down? (That was me.)
When you BECOME who and what you need to BE in order to HAVE the life, love and health you really want, the results flow naturally.
That’s because Life is a reflection of you. Your body is listening to your every thought, belief, and feeling. They are chemical reactions in your body that dictate your state of health, wellbeing, fulfillment, and all of your outer circumstances. Seriously.
So….WHO do you need to BE this year to live your greatest life? (The one where you’re jumping for joy with celebration for the amazing miracles you get to experience!)
Reply and let me know!!
You have my support and we’ll do it together.
-Dr. Kim
P.S. If you missed my New Year’s gift, get your free audio download now!
I’ve had so many great comments on this powerful meditation. You can even use it while you sleep. 🙂