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Are you Looking for a Conscious Partnership in Love?

As we grow and expand it’s natural to want our partner to do the same, or to outgrow an old relationship and look for a person who can really meet us in creating our life consciously. But often we do this from complaint or pressure, which only drives people away and turns them off. How do we INVITE our partner to join us in a journey toward consciousness, or welcome in a partner who also values awakening and growth as much as we do?

In this episode of MindBody TV I’m joined my by husband Dr. Mario Torres-Leon, who has a lot to share about how we can invite our partners into their own awakening in a joyful fun way that is effective instead of exhausting. Mario and I have been in conscious partnership for over a decade and have greatly facilitated each other’s growth, learning to let it be more and more fun and loving with each passing day, and easily creating more together than we ever could have created on our own. Mario shares about what inspires men to embark on an awakening journey, what women can do to invite that, and how to create a partnership that grows you and supports every area of your life!

Learn more about The Alive Partner Program.


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1 Comment

  1. Mario and Kim

    Carol and I want to thank you for being so real. Real with your feelings and how you two work things out on a daily basis. The bottom line is that it all come down to FEELINGS and what we do with them. Good, bad and the ugly. The challenge is to come into that space of stillness. Out of that stillness comes the place of solutions to problems. Carol and I have struggle with this under terrible circumstances over the years. Loss of a child, loss of entire family and other struggles over the years. But it has forced us to go deep into our heart(feelings) to let out the pain. sorrows and other miseries so we can enter that stillness, rest. The inner rest help us to let the walls down between us to bring us closer to one another and who we are as men and women. Thank you for the practical tools in the healing and recovery process.


    Bill and Carol


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