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Accessing Your Hidden Superpowers

We have been taught that we are separate,  limited, and inadequate. The truth is, we have a potency in our body that goes beyond anything most people are aware of. We are powerful and we have the ability to heal.

In this video, Dr. Kim shares about how to question the reality you’ve bought into so you can access your hidden superpowers.

Your body is a manifestation tool. It is an electromagnetic forcefield. Connecting with the heart lights up a major electromagnetic change. When you put your awareness and attention to the heart, you connect with the infinite part of yourself. You are an infinite being having a physical experience. You should enjoy your body but not buy into the idea that you are your body. Doing so disconnects you to the infinite power you have access to.

The physical reality is formed on the template of your vibration and frequency. Every aspect of your body is affected by your energy alignment. How you create a new physical reality has everything to do with your own consciousness and it goes back to looking within for your own wisdom.

Stop suppressing your light and the potency that heals your body. Allow the expression of your gifts, talents, strength, and the essence of who you are. You can beckon all the power that is here for you at any moment and live in synchronicity with the universe and your highest possibilities. When you are empowered, awakened, and ignited, you are unstoppable.

Join the ALIVE WOMAN Online Course or join us at
CIVANA resort in September for the Alive Woman Retreat: DrKimd.com/Alive




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