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The Purpose of Sadness

So many people have reached out to me lately who are struggling with depression, despair and the pain of grief. There are so many of us feeling a sense of sadness and heaviness that we just can’t let go or move through, and there is a reason for this!!

How a Synchronicity Changed My Life

How a Synchronicity Changed My Life

I recently told you about the amazing retreat event I created along with my friend Sylvie Olivier, an “alchemical” healer who helps people transmute energy in their body to live free from illness and dis-ease…

Do you believe in Serendipity?

One of the tools in my bestselling book: “The MindBody Toolkit” is to “Say YES to your yesses.” It’s all about listening to your inner “YES” to guide you toward the actions and behaviors that easily create the life you love.