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Your Hidden Superpower #1: WORDS

Do you know that when you speak, your body is listening? The words you say have meaning and resonance in your body…and a health consequence. Studies have shown that your tone, volume and meaning is…

Why do I get anxious?

The other day on my community site, I received a GREAT question:“Why do I get anxious when I’m waiting for something? How do I manage this anticipation?” I wanted to share the answer here, since anxiety is…

3 Steps to Be Happier Now

Who doesn’t want more HAPPY?…and who doesn’t want it fast? A few weeks ago I tried planning dinner with my friend Jen and her husband Matt. Jen, also a doctor, and I looked at our calendars… and found it would be 2 months…

Food Allergy… or Frankenfood?

If you’re one of the millions of people who experience fatigue, overweight, depression, anxiety, headaches, or chronic pain, and don’t have a good solution…it’s time to check your food.