Need a vacation… no charge?

Need a vacation… no charge?

I recently took a fabulous trip with my family to Mexico and by day 3 was soooo mellowed out and relaxed that everything was different. I wanted to bring that feeling back with me so created a Mind Body Tool to do just that!

Lose weight just by breathing??

Lose weight just by breathing??

I learned this simple technique from Dr. Andrew Weil, pioneer in Integrative Medicine. It turns off the “fight-or-flight” response in your body and puts you into the “relaxation response,” which has been proven to…

Do this if you get sick…

Do this if you get sick…

You know that feeling when you’re about to get sick, but you’re not quite there yet? You don’t have full-blown cold symptoms… but you know one is coming on? Well, don’t just wait for things to get worse!