This is for you if:
"My anxiety is completely gone, and I am no longer depressed!"
"It’s a week after the Skype call and the whole week has been so full of energy and I have felt so alive and excited and enthusiastic!"
"My energy levels are super duper! Psoriasis is resolving and depression doesn’t seem to be there at all! AHA!"
-Parul, Dentist
"That session was one of the most profound experiences I’ve ever had!"
"Thank you, thank you, Kim! That session was one of the most profound experiences I’ve ever had! I feel so much lighter! And so inspired that I can actually feel my own experience. WITHIN ME!!
Giving my mother’s shame back to her has taken the weight off of me! I feel so much lighter! But also a sense of calmness, relaxation, a belief that my experience really is valid and worthy of coming forward. Not sure what it’s gonna look like, but I know it feels like Christmas.
I also notice a difference with my daughter already. Our interactions are already different! Looking forward to seeing how this unfolds.... thank so much for seeing me, deeply feeling my energy and helping me to become aware of it, and know that I can witness and love my deepest self!"
*This investment can be applied to a full private program with Dr. Kim
©2020 American Institute of MindBody Medicine, LLC.