Embracing Health
Live, 1-Year Integration of Health, Wealth & Wellbeing
To Truly Change Your Health,
You Have To Change Your Energy

If you've been struggling with any of the following:
  • Low energy 

  • Chronic pain or fibromyalgia

  • Anxiety or depression

  • Autoimmune illness, thyroid disease, chronic fatigue syndrome or adrenal fatigue

  • Chronic infection like Epstein Barr, Lyme or Candida

  • Inability to enjoy and digest foods easily.

  • Having been told “you will always have this illness” or "you must take medications"

  • Your life revolves around “working on” your health.

  • Lack of the time, energy or money to fully enjoy your life and relationships

"The degree of healing I've experienced through working with Dr. Kim is remarkable."

"Prior to working with Dr. Kim, I had focused on healing from chronic fatigue and related physical and emotional symptoms for more than 15 years. I read books, worked with many practitioners, and devoted great amounts of my time, energy, and money towards trying to get well. Although I made significant progress over time, I was still mostly functioning from a place of fear and struggle.  

The degree of healing I’ve experienced through working with Dr. Kim is remarkable. This simple, yet profound, practice has changed my life. I have gained increased ease and fluidity throughout my day, more joy and wellbeing, greater love and compassion for myself, my family, and others, deeper presence and connection, and openness to life and its possibilities. 

I am immensely grateful to Dr. Kim and highly recommend working with her!"

Hayley Spizz

Your TRUE Nature is NOT to be sick, struggling or living in lack.

Through the EMBRACING HEALTH program you will...

  • ACTIVATE self-healing

  • RESOLVE root causes

  • MASTER manifestation

  • IGNITE prosperity & wealth

  • REGULATE your nervous system

  • RELEASE fight-or-flight

  • PROTECT your energy

  • RECLAIM your power to create

The path is a systematic process of changing your inner foundation to one that allows health, vitality & prosperity in all ares of your life. We're aligning your brain and nervous system with the Truest version of who you really are inside.

Each month of your year includes:

   ⭐️ LIVE group Zoom call where I will guide you through activating a new level of consciousness for healing & intentional manifestation 

This will include up to 3 "Heal Seat" 1:1 processing sessions per call. We will all benefit from those who step in to receive. Live calls take place the 1st Thursday of each month* at 11am MT/ 1pm EST (approx 90 mins.)

⭐️ Recorded Group Integration Call
These calls allow for new neural pathways to be developed and strengthened, and old programs, belief systems, and toxic patterns to be resolved. Just listening in helps your system and cells integrate what you're learning.

⭐️ Video Training Exercise
This introduces the work we are doing that month and gives you powerful exercises to deeply integrate the work."

⭐️ Guided Audio Meditation
These will be used regularly throughout each month to assist cellular integration on the deepest level.

⭐️ EFT Tapping Session and Script
Change your brain and integrate the monthly topic using this powerful guided EFT Tapping session. You will also have the script provided for your personal Tapping use.

Dissolving Old Programming
  • The Science of How the Body Heals Itself: Activating Self Healing
  • You are Pure Energy: Transitioning to a Higher Consciousness
  • Resolving Root Causes: Getting Underneath Your Symptoms 
Practicing Your Creative Power
  • How Thoughts Create Your Health and Life Circumstances
  • Creating a New Personal Reality
  • Heart Coherence: Let Healing Happen Through You 
 Integrating Deep Healing
  • Out of Fight-or-Flight and Into Clarity and Power
  • Increase Your Frequency: Inner Child Healing
  • Out of Victim Into Mastery
Accessing Universal Source Consciousness
  •  Inner or Outer Power: Beyond Separation & Fear
  • Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies
  • Resolving the False Self Through Love
  • Claiming Your Power to Create 

⭐️ Neuroplasticity Program 

Use a powerful neurographic art process with EFT Tapping to resolve root causes and blocks to healing. You can use this process throughout your year to accelerate your expansion and growth and assist in unwinding blockages as they arise.

⭐️ Money Mastery

Be conscious with money, release blockages to true wealth and prosperity, and allow the resources to flow. This audio will assist you in changing your brain and releasing unconscious programming that's had you in limitation with money, resources, and finances.
⭐️ Liquid Dance

Move the energy! I've created this powerful expressive dance process to assist you in moving the energy when densities arise. This can be done for any level of fitness. Even those who were in bed found great benefit in this work!
⭐️ Tapping Mini-Course

Learn EFT Tapping, a powerful MindBody tool to resolve the root causes of symptoms, illness, and recurrent challenges you're facing in life that don't seem to change. You'll learn how to know what to tap on and how to do self-directed Tapping no matter what is coming up!
Hi! I’m Dr. Kim D’Eramo!

I've created this program and will be teaching you LIVE every month!

I am a physician who had my awakening experience when I was 16 years old. I was suddenly able to see beyond the veil that we are physical, into the truth that we are vibrational. I could hear people's thoughts, know what was going on inside their bodies, and have the total awareness that we are all co-creating every bit of our reality.

After a period of integration, I came to understand that Infinite Wisdom was within me. The more I have been willing to listen within, the more prosperity, wealth, and abundance has come through my life.

I became a physician, was board-certified in Emergency Medicine and also studied Osteopathic Medicine, which is the science behind how the body heals itself and the mind and body are connected. I created "Embracing Health" to walk individuals through their own awakening to see beyond the veil and access their true power for health, prosperity, and abundance.

Through my own journey of resolving an autoimmune illness, my understanding of MindBody Medicine, and my expertise as a physician, I welcome you to explore the infinite potential that lies within you!

Hi! I’m Dr. Kim D’Eramo!

I've created this program and will be teaching you LIVE every month!

I am a physician who had my awakening experience when I was 16 years old. I was suddenly able to see beyond the veil that we are physical, into the truth that we are vibrational. I could hear people's thoughts, know what was going on inside their bodies, and have the total awareness that we are all co-creating every bit of our reality.

After a period of integration, I came to understand that Infinite Wisdom was within me. The more I have been willing to listen within, the more prosperity, wealth, and abundance has come through my life.

I became a physician, was board-certified in Emergency Medicine and also studied Osteopathic Medicine, which is the science behind how the body heals itself and the mind and body are connected. I created "Embracing Health" to walk individuals through their own awakening to see beyond the veil and access their true power for health, prosperity, and abundance.

Through my own journey of resolving an autoimmune illness, my understanding of MindBody Medicine, and my expertise as a physician, I welcome you to explore the infinite potential that lies within you!


The MindBody Mentors have been program participants and are specifically trained in this work. They've come through resolving their own major health and personal life challenges using this work and will help you do the same.
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Access the exclusive space for you to share with each other and get more assistance.
Each week Kim, or a MindBody Mentor will be LIVE in the group to answer your questions and give you more personal assistance in integrating this work into your own body and life. Thursdays at 11am MT and on the last Thursday of the month at 5pm MT.

You will will receive LIFETIME access to all the material AND the community even after your year is completed.

"Embracing Health program is transforming my life."
"Embracing Health program is transforming my life. It's been a gentle year-long awakening, teaching me to surrender and allow emotions and physical symptoms to be felt and released. This is allowing me to love and nurture myself and life in a new way. I know I will carry on improving physically and emotionally as I have a new relationship with myself, my body and with life.

Ruth Venable

"I no longer have Lupus!"
"This created a space for choices I would never have made in the past. I no longer need to take these supplements or avoid these foods anymore because my body is in a space of wellness. This past week I had a follow-up appointment with a practitioner I have been seeing for energy medicine treatments. I had stopped feeling the need to go as often. I did go for my follow up testing though, and I left there with a PERFECT SCORE and she tests all things - every gland, every organ, every mineral, every food sensitivity, every hormone .... and her husband who is in the field of genetics developed a frequency device to turn on the genes to fight your condition - it too showed no lupus in the body! I am in awe with the fact that even though I still have some physical symptoms, I am connected to the wellness in my body. I can just feel it! The validation was great to have too! A huge big hug to Dr. Kim, and thanks for your profound work - the last call we had really shifted things!"

Lara Cathcart 
One-Year Integration


  • LIVE Monthly Group Calls on Zoom with Dr. Kim the first Thursday of each month (11am MT/ 1pm ET) to guide you through the content. (approx. 90 mins). 
  • Monthly Pre-Recorded Group Calls to assist you in integrating a new consciousness and accelerate healing
  • Monthly Powerful Audio Meditations to shift your frequency and integrate the highest levels of health
  • Online Assistance from MindBody Mentors in our Online Community Forum with weekly LIVE check-ins as you go through this every Thursday at 11am MT /1pm EST & once a month at 5pm MT/ 7pm EST
  • MindBody Mastery video modules: 5 Modules of Powerful MindBody Tools for Healing and Awakening
  • Bonus audios and videos to specifically assist with sleep, money and prosperity, EFT Tapping for personal health and wealth, an amazing Daily Integration Exercise, and more
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to our private Embracing Health community (access to audit future program versions and activity)


  • Quarterly (4) small-group LIVE Zoom calls with Kim with 1:1 interaction in group to personally address your questions and assist your journey. These will be smaller groups for deeply integrative sessions together!
  • Live monthly group Zoom calls with MindBody Mentors for the remaining months to integrate the work, address questions, and offer direct personal guidance for your deepening into this work. These will also be smaller group calls from the Tier 1 group and you will have the opportunity for more personalized assistance.


©2024 American Institute of MindBody Medicine, LLC.
