Your TRUE Nature is NOT to be sick, struggling or living in lack.
The path is a systematic process of changing your inner foundation to one that allows health, vitality & prosperity in all areas of your life. We're aligning your brain and nervous system with the Truest version of who you really are inside.
Each month of your year includes:
⭐️ LIVE group Zoom call where I will guide you through activating a new level of consciousness for healing & intentional manifestation
First Call is July 11th 2024
*for July and January, the call will be the second Thursday of the month.
⭐️ Recorded Group Integration Call
These calls allow for new neural pathways to be developed and strengthened, and old programs, belief systems, and toxic patterns to be resolved. Just listening in helps your system and cells integrate what you're learning.
⭐️ Video Training Exercise
This introduces the work we are doing that month and gives you powerful exercises to deeply integrate the work."
⭐️ Guided Audio Meditation
These will be used regularly throughout each month to assist cellular integration on the deepest level.
⭐️ EFT Tapping Session and Script
Change your brain and integrate the monthly topic using this powerful guided EFT Tapping session. You will also have the script provided for your personal Tapping use.
⭐️ Neuroplasticity Program
Use a powerful neurographic art process with EFT Tapping to resolve root causes and blocks to healing. You can use this process throughout your year to accelerate your expansion and growth and assist in unwinding blockages as they arise.
An invitation to the small group kick-off integration call
Virtual 7/2/24 at 11am MT ($2500 value)
I've created this program and will be teaching you LIVE every month!
I am a physician who had my awakening experience when I was 16 years old. I was suddenly able to see beyond the veil that we are physical, into the truth that we are vibrational. I could hear people's thoughts, know what was going on inside their bodies, and have the total awareness that we are all co-creating every bit of our reality.
After a period of integration, I came to understand that Infinite Wisdom was within me. The more I have been willing to listen within, the more prosperity, wealth, and abundance has come through my life.
I became a physician, was board-certified in Emergency Medicine and also studied Osteopathic Medicine, which is the science behind how the body heals itself and the mind and body are connected. I created "Embracing Health" to walk individuals through their own awakening to see beyond the veil and access their true power for health, prosperity, and abundance.
Through my own journey of resolving an autoimmune illness, my understanding of MindBody Medicine, and my expertise as a physician, I welcome you to explore the infinite potential that lies within you!
I've created this program and will be teaching you LIVE every month!
I am a physician who had my awakening experience when I was 16 years old. I was suddenly able to see beyond the veil that we are physical, into the truth that we are vibrational. I could hear people's thoughts, know what was going on inside their bodies, and have the total awareness that we are all co-creating every bit of our reality.
After a period of integration, I came to understand that Infinite Wisdom was within me. The more I have been willing to listen within, the more prosperity, wealth, and abundance has come through my life.
I became a physician, was board-certified in Emergency Medicine and also studied Osteopathic Medicine, which is the science behind how the body heals itself and the mind and body are connected. I created "Embracing Health" to walk individuals through their own awakening to see beyond the veil and access their true power for health, prosperity, and abundance.
Through my own journey of resolving an autoimmune illness, my understanding of MindBody Medicine, and my expertise as a physician, I welcome you to explore the infinite potential that lies within you!
"Prior to working with Dr. Kim, I had focused on healing from chronic fatigue and related physical and emotional symptoms for more than 15 years. I read books, worked with many practitioners, and devoted great amounts of my time, energy, and money towards trying to get well. Although I made significant progress over time, I was still mostly functioning from a place of fear and struggle.
The degree of healing I’ve experienced through working with Dr. Kim is remarkable. This simple, yet profound, practice has changed my life. I have gained increased ease and fluidity throughout my day, more joy and wellbeing, greater love and compassion for myself, my family, and others, deeper presence and connection, and openness to life and its possibilities.
I am immensely grateful to Dr. Kim and highly recommend working with her!"
Hayley Spizz
"Prior to working with Dr. Kim, I had focused on healing from chronic fatigue and related physical and emotional symptoms for more than 15 years. I read books, worked with many practitioners, and devoted great amounts of my time, energy, and money towards trying to get well. Although I made significant progress over time, I was still mostly functioning from a place of fear and struggle.
The degree of healing I’ve experienced through working with Dr. Kim is remarkable. This simple, yet profound, practice has changed my life. I have gained increased ease and fluidity throughout my day, more joy and wellbeing, greater love and compassion for myself, my family, and others, deeper presence and connection, and openness to life and its possibilities.
I am immensely grateful to Dr. Kim and highly recommend working with her!"
Hayley Spizz
Here's what you will receive:
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©2024 American Institute of MindBody Medicine, LLC.