For Conscious Practitioners
For Conscious Practitioners
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This is for Practitioners, Wellness Leaders & Coaches who are awakening to intuitive & healing gifts but struggle to make a business work.


This is for Practitioners, Wellness Leaders & Coaches who are awakening to intuitive & healing gifts but struggle to make a business work.

"The Awakened Practitioner Collaborative helps me create what really wants to be born in me, rather than what my brain thinks would be good."

"The videos and all the content/communication/energy in this community nourishes me and brings me back to my heart wisdom when I find myself "trying" to create. My business has flourished during the pandemic thanks to this community and Dr. Kim. I am ending 2020 feeling full and in inspired anticipation of 2021."

Arlene Petrush, Coach, Founder of Heartful Wealth

To make the difference we're here to make in the world, we must move into the consciousness of love, ease, and freedom that we are inviting others into through our work —creating an effortless transmission.
Maybe You:
  • Start to develop your business, then get blocked or have a return of your symptoms and illness that stops you.

  • Wonder why you're not motivated to do something even though it deeply inspires you.

  • Find you're not making progress in your business because you're still waiting for your own healing to finish.

  • Deeply care about others, but you're uncomfortable asking for money.

  • Overwhelmed by business "strategies" and fear-based marketing.

  • Know you're meant to really prosper, then doubt yourself because you think you have to do cheesy business things to make that happen.

  • Are ready to stop operating in fear and lack, and find ways to share and create your work authentically.

We'll go beyond the old paradigm of what seemed possible, get out of conclusion and into unlimited possibility. And operate at the frequency of Love or above in your business.

This is an invitation for greater expansion.

Got questions? Let us know.
10 Video Training Series
Designed to move your business into Abundance Consciousness with lessons on:
  •  Why fear-based marketing doesn't work and how to authentically share your message
  • Stepping into the "BIG" of your business now
  • Creating a multi-dimensional business (kiss the 3D model goodbye)
  • My daily expansion practice for major business growth
  • How to effortlessly connect with those you are here to serve
  • How to source yourself first before serving others, and why you must be the #1 recipient from your business
  • How to make videos that immediately inspire others and invite them to join you
  • How to truly step into your work and let go of the fear of being seen
  • How to produce infinite results without even trying
  • Creating a program that transmits the highest consciousness of your work
Recorded Group Call Series
Designed for Implementation and Addressing Common Blocks
  •  Clearly communicate what you do so others "get it" and choose it
  • Release the fear of being seen so you show up fully in your greatness
  • Increase your personal frequency so your business grows and your clients prosper
  • Release imposter syndrome so you let your most powerful work come through even when you feel like an unfinished product
  • Create a program that transmits the highest consciousness of your work
  • Increase your wealth set point so you earn more as you assist others

We'll go beyond the old paradigm of what seemed possible, get out of conclusion and into unlimited possibility. And operate at the frequency of Love or above in your business.

This is an invitation for greater expansion.

Got questions? Let us know.
10 Video Training Series
Designed to move your business into Abundance Consciousness with lessons on:
  •  Why fear-based marketing doesn't work and how to authentically share your message
  • Stepping into the "BIG" of your business now
  • Creating a multi-dimensional business (kiss the 3D model goodbye)
  • My daily expansion practice for major business growth
  • How to effortlessly connect with those you are here to serve
  • How to source yourself first before serving others, and why you must be the #1 recipient from your business
  • How to make videos that immediately inspire others and invite them to join you
  • How to truly step into your work and let go of the fear of being seen
  • How to produce infinite results without even trying
  • Creating a program that transmits the highest consciousness of your work
Recorded Group Call Series
Designed for Implementation and Addressing Common Blocks
  •  Clearly communicate what you do so others "get it" and choose it
  • Release the fear of being seen so you show up fully in your greatness
  • Increase your personal frequency so your business grows and your clients prosper
  • Release imposter syndrome so you let your most powerful work come through even when you feel like an unfinished product
  • Create a program that transmits the highest consciousness of your work
  • Increase your wealth set point so you earn more as you assist others
& More
Exercises for creating business structures, creating programs, and getting clear on who you're here to work with AND bonus guided meditations to assist your expansion
A Message from Dr. Kim D'Eramo
Conscious Wellness Practitioner,

No matter how inspired your message is or how hard you work at what you're doing, it's your own personal frequency that determines your level of success and impact in your business.

In my journey from physician to entrepreneur & healing mentor, I've realized had to let go of everyone else's opinions about how business works, or what would be required for me to be successful. Until I more fully embodied the message I'm sharing, my business was just burning me out!

The Awaken Your Business program is designed to assist you in creating a life sharing your gifts and making a massive contribution to others. You will align with truth and authenticity so you create a life of prosperity as you assist others in doing the same.

I've watched other business leaders share healing work in ways that are not aligned with authenticity. They've bought into tactics and strategies based in fear and lack, so their work can never have a real impact. With so many individuals requiring something deeper, this will never work for what Humanity is really needing!

When we align to Source within, it greatly empowers our work and business. Then our work is in a higher frequency and can raise the frequency of the planet. This is what true healing is about.

It is with a full heart that I invite you to begin your journey to an awakened business, and discover what's possible when you rise above fear consciousness and resonate in prosperity.

With love,
Dr. Kim

A Message from Dr. Kim D'Eramo
Conscious Wellness Practitioner,

No matter how inspired your message is or how hard you work at what you're doing, it's your own personal frequency that determines your level of success and impact in your business.

In my journey from physician to entrepreneur & healing mentor, I've realized had to let go of everyone else's opinions about how business works, or what would be required for me to be successful. Until I more fully embodied the message I'm sharing, my business was just burning me out!

The Awakened Your Business program is designed to assist you in creating a life sharing your gifts and making a massive contribution to others. You will align with truth and authenticity so you create a life of prosperity as you assist others in doing the same.

I've watched other business leaders share healing work in ways that are not aligned with authenticity. They've bought into tactics and strategies based in fear and lack, so their work can never have a real impact. With so many individuals requiring something deeper, this will never work for what Humanity is really needing!

When we align to Source within, it greatly empowers our work and business. Then our work is in a higher frequency and can raise the frequency of the planet. This is what true healing is about.

It is with a full heart that I invite you to begin your journey to an awakened business, and discover what's possible when you rise above fear consciousness and resonate in prosperity.

With love,
Dr. Kim

"This group changed my life and drastically changed my practice... You taught me that respecting my gifts and sourcing myself first is the best way to serve my beautiful clients."

This group changed my life and drastically changed my practice. It's so wild ... as I'm stepping into the more expansive beautiful version of the new practice I've created, old clients are coming out of the woodwork. All of my most draining clients ... the ones who demanded too much time, who were always trying to avoid paying, who drained me the most!! They are all coming back looking for more! I know it's the universe inviting me to make a new choice. It's an invitation to strengthen my commitment to the new paradigm. I deeply know that I'm here to offer so much more. Thank you for showing me this and being the most amazing model of this ever. You taught me that respecting my gifts and sourcing myself first is the best way to serve my beautiful clients.

Jen Gaudreau Young, Awaken Your Business

Get clear on how to best use your gifts to assist others' healing and awakening.
Release fear-based marketing strategies and grow your business by sharing authentically from your heart.
Stop playing small and step into your greatness so your business can grow.
Welcome in those who are here to work with you so they immediately know it's a "yes" and are able to invest in your work
Stop taking on others' energy so you operate in the flow
Create your work so you are even more energized at the end of the day than you were going in!?
It's Time To Awaken YOUR Business

We'll go beyond the old paradigm of what seemed possible, get out of conclusion and into unlimited possibility. And operate at the frequency of Love or above in your business.

This is an invitation for greater expansion.

What's Included:

  • 10 Video Training Series designed to move your business from separation consciousness to Unity Consciousness

  • 12 Recorded Live Group Calls with Dr. Kim to assist with integrating this work

  • Exercises for creating business structures, creating programs, and getting clear on who you're here to work with

  • Bonus guided meditations to assist your expansion